
Pros And Cons Of Whatsapp


The Pros and Cons of a WhatsApp Chatbot. WhatsApp is currently the most popular messaging app in the world. The platform that has 2 billion users from 180 countries can now be accessed by your chatbot. In this article, we’ll give you a brief overview of the pros and cons of WhatsApp. Sep 29, 2016 The Pros and Cons of Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp One for all and all for one, if you are using an android phone then I am sure you must have this messenger application named WhatsApp. And there is no need of any introduction about the Social Media giant Facebook, one of the websites that we all surf through. Feb 29, 2020 The pros and cons of Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp Here's how the world's two leading messaging apps stack up against each other. Feb 29, 2020, 7:24 am. Whatsapp’s end-to-end encryption makes it the most secure channel for businesses that need to seek or share sensitive information during conversations. Due to the inbuilt security, Whatsapp is a good choice for businesses catering to privacy-focused individuals.

  1. Pros And Cons Of Whatsapp Business
  2. Pros And Cons Of Whatsapp Business Account

Many people have had concerns about Facebook Messenger. As an app, it allows people to access their messaging system through Facebook without needing to access the social network. This makes it much easier to instantly communicate with people on mobile devices. Here are the benefits of using this app and a comprehensive look at the concerns many people have with installing it on their device.

The Pros of Facebook Messenger

1. It makes it faster to chat.
This app connects directly to Facebook’s chatting system, so people can send and receive messages more quickly than if they were going through a mobile browser. This is because the messaging system appears immediately on the screen of a user’s preferred device.

2. It’s like texting, but without the cost.
SMS texting may cost up to $0.10 per message depending on the plan an individual has. MMS messages may be $0.25 each or more. Although Facebook Messenger uses data, users can send texts and pictures without accessing those costs.

3. It can be used for collaboration.
Facebook Messenger allows users to send files and links with ease. If you’re telecommuting or working at a mobile office site, this will keep employees in touch with each other if they are working on a project together.

4. Users can make calls.
This apps allows users to speak with one another. It also gives people the ability to speak within groups if they so choose. If a user happens to be overseas, then Facebook Messenger can even be used to call a specific phone number.

5. Many permissions are only needed when users want to use a specific feature.
If the user of an Apple device never tries to make a voice call with the Messenger app, then they’ll never need to give the app permission to use their microphone. This isn’t necessarily true with other operating systems, but is an important point of which to take note.

6. Nothing in life is ever truly free.
You watch advertisements when watching a football game all the time. You have the option to purchase in-app things for games that are freemium products. For Messenger, the trade-off is that you send some limited personal information to advertisers because you need the features that the app can provide.


The Cons of Facebook Messenger

1. It’s difficult to completely protect your privacy.
Part of the terms and conditions that are accepted when using Facebook Messenger include recording audio at any time without permission and calling phone numbers without intervention.

2. It adds another distraction to life.
If you’re trying to get some work done, then you need to limit distractions. Installing Facebook Messenger adds another distraction. This is because you receive notifications of when a message comes through. If you’re like the average person, most close friends use texts or calls to communicate and not the IM feature here, so the notifications are something you don’t really need to see.

3. It can quickly drain the battery of your device.
The Messenger App is always functioning in the background of your device. It will also cause your device to send out a vibration or audio alert when new messages are received. If you receive several notifications each day and leave the app up to receive them, you might not make it through a work day with your preferred device.

4. Users are forced to use Messenger if they use the Facebook app.
If you go through your browser for messages, then there is no change to Facebook’s messaging system. If you’re an app user, however, then you were forced to use Messenger and that’s never a good feeling for a consumer.

5. It takes up a lot of space.
You’ll be using 100+ MB of storage space on your mobile device if you’re using both Facebook apps to access your profile and social network. If you have limited space, then this can become a severe problem rather rapidly.

6. It’s service can be choppy.
If you need to update your operating system, then there is a good chance that you’ll need to update this app as well. It can lock up on users from time to time, especially if there is more than one app open, and that limits its usefulness on lower end devices especially.

These Facebook Messenger pros and cons show that it can be a useful app if you don’t mind approving the permissions and dealing with the potential security issues you may face. Browsers have limited speed on mobile devices, so this app can improve your speed. If that’s not something that interests you, then consider these additional key points to see if downloading Messenger is the right choice for you.

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The little green logo of a text balloon with a phone is widely known under young smartphone owners. WhatsApp is a cheap application allowing users to communicate freely.Not everybody is thrilled with this relative newcomer in the land of social media. Company owners complain that it keeps workers from doingtheir jobs andparents complain that students forget about their homework.-Lorraine Josiane Manishatse

WhatsApp Messenger is a smartphone application that works on iPhone, Android, Symbian, BlackBerry and Windows Phone.The application enables users to exchange instant messages with their contacts. Matt and ben script pdf file. Users can also transfer multimedia files, such as videos, images, and even voice notes.What makes it interesting is that it does not require pins nor usernames.Whatsappis widely known as ausefultool for fast and inexpensive communication.

According to AloysHakizimana, an International Communication Consultant and part-time Lecturer at the Université du Lac Tanganyika, everyone wants to use WhatsApp because it is an instantaneous communication tool.“Everyone who wants to be up to date, uses it,” Hakizimana says. For him, to communicate is indispensable as we communicate in order to satisfy our basic needs. “If someone doesn’t communicate, he can’t achieve his objectives”, he points out.

Pros And Cons Of Whatsapp Business

However, like many tools for communication and social media, WhatsApp has a downside.
“Often I surprise receptionists chatting with their friends, responding to messages orwatching video and pictures sent on WhatsApp,while there are clients waiting to be served”, a company owner in Bujumbura complains. “It is a big challenge in runningmy business, because they can’t give enough information about our products to customers when they pay more attention to WhatsApp.”
He believes every business owner should take special precautions concerning social media, for example banning the use of smartphones during working hours.“If they don’t use it carefully and responsibly they risk undermining the work of the company”, the businessman emphasizes.In many organizations it is already forbidden for employees to communicate on social networks, stating that WhatsApp, Facebook, Skype and Viber applications are slowing down the company’s performance.

Pros And Cons Of Whatsapp Business Account

Hakizimana, the communication consultant, believes that if the employer uses this directive, his workers will feel trapped and productivity will decrease. “Communication creates a sentiment of safety. Adobe premiere pro cs6 dslr sequence presets download. A happy and fulfilled, motivated employee who can communicate freely will increase productivity”, he reckons. The consultant suggests that adopting a participative approach between employers and employees by instituting new media and communication tools inside the organization’s structure may increase productivity. Regulating use is more effective than banning it altogether.
The widespread use of WhatsApp also concerns many parents. They fear that their children might fail in school because of WhatsApp.
“Fortunately, it is not allowed to use phones at school”, TherenceNtahimpera, a father living in Ngagara, says. “But after classes our children are deeply connected to WhatsApp. They forget about their homework.”

According to him, parents should pay more attention to the time their children spend using this application. Here, the communication expert agrees, saying that a child who communicates instantaneously, efficiently and in a regulatory mannershould have no problems succeeding in school. Regulating the time spent on social media is a good idea, but, he warns parents of excessive interference in their children’s social life. “If parents forbid their children to communicate through social media, the children will only spend more time trying to get around their parents’ rules”,Hakizimanaconcludes.“Instead, they could be studying.”

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